Time Provider Agent

This chapter shows how to implement and publish the time service.

Agent Implementation

Create Java file TimeProviderAgent.java in the package jadex.micro.quickstart and paste the contents as shown below.

package jadex.micro.quickstart;

import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;

import jadex.base.PlatformConfiguration;
import jadex.base.Starter;
import jadex.bridge.IComponentStep;
import jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess;
import jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature;
import jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Service;
import jadex.commons.future.IFuture;
import jadex.commons.future.ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture;
import jadex.commons.future.SubscriptionIntermediateFuture;
import jadex.commons.future.TerminationCommand;
import jadex.micro.annotation.Agent;
import jadex.micro.annotation.AgentBody;
import jadex.micro.annotation.ProvidedService;
import jadex.micro.annotation.ProvidedServices;

 *  The time provider periodically sends out time values to all subscribers.
 *  For simplicity, the agent implements the time service itself.
public class TimeProviderAgent  implements ITimeService
    //-------- attributes --------

    /** The location (determined at startup). */
    protected String    location    = determineLocation();

    /** The subscriptions to be informed about the time. */
    protected Set<SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<String>>   subscriptions
        = new LinkedHashSet<SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<String>>();

    //-------- ITimeService interface --------

     *  Get the location of the platform, where the time service runs.
     *  The location is a constant value for each service, therefore it can be cached
     *  and no future is needed.
    public String   getLocation()
        return location;

     *  Subscribe to the time service.
     *  Every couple of seconds, a string with the current time will be
     *  sent to the subscriber.
    public ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<String>  subscribe()
        // Add a subscription to the set of subscriptions.
        final SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<String>    ret = new SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<String>();

        ret.setTerminationCommand(new TerminationCommand()
             *  The termination command allows to be informed, when the subscription ends,
             *  e.g. due to a communication error or when the service user explicitly
             *  cancels the subscription.
            public void terminated(Exception reason)
                System.out.println("removed subscriber due to: "+reason);

        return ret;

    //-------- agent life cycle --------

     *  Due to annotation, called once after agent is initialized.
     *  The internal access parameter is optional and is injected automatically.
    public void body(IInternalAccess ia)
        // The execution feature provides methods for controlling the execution of the agent.
        IExecutionFeature   exe = ia.getComponentFeature(IExecutionFeature.class);

        // Execute a step every 5000 milliseconds, start from next full 5000 milliseconds
        exe.repeatStep(5000-System.currentTimeMillis()%5000, 5000, new IComponentStep<Void>()
            public IFuture<Void> execute(IInternalAccess ia)
                // Notify all subscribers
                for(SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<String> subscriber: subscriptions)
                    // Add the current time as intermediate result.
                    // The if-undone part is used to ignore errors,
                    // when subscription was cancelled in the mean time.
                    subscriber.addIntermediateResultIfUndone(new Date().toString());

                return IFuture.DONE;

    //-------- helper methods --------

     *  Determine the location of the local platform.
    protected static String determineLocation()
        String  ret;
            // These free-to-try geoip services have (almost) the same result format.
//          Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new URL("http://ipinfo.io/json").openStream(), "UTF-8");
//          Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new URL("http://api.petabyet.com/geoip/").openStream(), "UTF-8");
//          Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new URL("http://freegeoip.net/json/").openStream(), "UTF-8"); // use "country_name"
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new URL("http://ip-api.com/json").openStream(), "UTF-8");

            // Very simple JSON parsing, matches ..."key": "value"... parts to find country and city.
            String  country = null;
            String  city    = null;
            while(scanner.findWithinHorizon("\"([^\"]*)\"[^:]*:[^\"]*\"([^\"]*)\"", 0)!=null)
                String  key = scanner.match().group(1);
                String  val = scanner.match().group(2);
//              if("country_name".equals(key))
                    country = val;
                else if("city".equals(key))
                    city    = val;

            ret = city!=null ? country!=null ? city+", "+country : city
                : country!=null ? country : "unknown";

        catch(Exception e)
            // ignore
            ret = "unknown";

        return ret;

     *  Start a Jadex platform and the TimeProviderAgent.
    public static void  main(String[] args)
        PlatformConfiguration   config  = PlatformConfiguration.getMinimalRelayAwareness();

Execute the Agent

Start the Jadex platform and the time provider agent with the provided main() method. Afterwards start the time user agent with its main() method. The two platforms will connect automatically and the time user will find the time provider and print out its time update messages.

The details of the time provider agent are explained in the following subsections. Furthermore, you can see Remote Communication for details on automatic platform discovery.

Service Annotations

The @ProvidedService annotation tells the Jadex runtime that this agent provides a service of type ITimeService.class. The @Service annotation furthermore states, that the agent class implements the service itself instead of having a separate class for the service implementation.

See, e.g., Services.Providing Services for more details on the @ProvidedService annotation.

Object Attributes

There are two fields declared in the class. The first just holds a string of the agent's location. The location is computed using an HTTP request to a free GeoIP service in the determineLocation() method. The field is accessed in the getLocation() method to return the immutable location of the service. Remember that this value is cached as described before.

The second field is a set of the current subscriptions to the time service. The object type SubscriptionIntermediateFuture represents the server side of the subscription future as described for the time service interface's subscribe() method.

The Subscribe Method

On each call, the subscribe() method creates a new subscription future object for the new subscriber and returns that object. The subcription future object is also added to the subscriptions list, so it can be notified about each new time message.

Furthermore, a termination command is set on the subscription future. This command is executed when the subscription ends either due to a network error or when a client explicitly cancels the subscription. In the command, the time provider agent prints out a message and removes the subscription from the list.

The Agent Life Cycle

The notification behavior of the time provider is captured in the body() method. It is annotated with @AgentBody to state that it should be called once after the agent is started.

The repeated notification is modeled by a so called component step, which is scheduled using the IExecutionFeature. Each Jadex component is internally operated by a set of features that handle the different aspects like execution and required or provided services. The features can be accessed using the IInternalAccess.getComponentFeature(Class<?>) method. The API of the available features can be found here.

Using the repeatStep() method of the execution feature, a step is scheduled every 5 seconds. In this step, the time provider iterates through all current subscriptions and sends the next time message using the addIntermediateResultIfUndone() method. The 'IfUndone' part threby states that errors should be ignored, e.g. when the subscription was just cancelled.